We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Sunday, Mar. 28, 2004 - (Dad)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Baby Toes and other stuff

Jack has mostly recovered from his ear infection and is back to his cheeky self.

He is moving more rapidly around the house, climbing on an off things. Like my middle son, Joel, he is climbing before he can walk. He stands on his own for almost a minute now, but has not begun to walk yet. He loves to empty things out...like the dishwasher and the laundry basket.... but the look of concentrated effort on his face makes it obvious that he is trying to be helpful, as does the radiant beam of achievement when he is done.

He still loves to denude his feet at every available opportunity and enjoys riotous laughter when I pretend to eat his "babytoes" (said in a particularly gruff bestial tone). Actually, the last couple of really good shots I took of Jack were solicited by saying "babytoes" in that manner.

Our old Olympus digital experiences a significant delay between the press of the button and the snap of the photo. I have found that if I press the button as I say "babytoes", the smile emerges on his face at the same time as the flash goes off.

He has just begun to wrestle on the floor with Misti and I. He will launch his head into the nearest part of our anatomy in an effort to begin play. He has his father's long head and high forehead, and while his height and weight remain at the 25th percentile, his head is creeping up on the 75th percentile. So, its not my imagination, he has a big head. Part of that is genetics and the other part is that he is not a back sleeper, and never has been. Many of his contemporaries have high pointed heads, some of them with flat spots, from sleeping on their backs.

Anyway, enough raving for now

Take Care


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