We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Friday, Apr. 02, 2004 - Mamma

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

A week's worth in one sitting...

Poor 'Boo' has been having a very hard couple of weeks -- as you might have guessed from the lack of activity here.

I think it's teething, since he just saw the doctor, who said his ears were slightly inflamed, but not worth treating. (They have much more stringent standards for what needs to be treated than they once did. In some ways that's a good thing -- we may manage to eliminate resistant strains of bacteria if we can get over using anti-biotics as a first response to everything! But it does make a parent feel helpless when there's nothing we can do.)

The poor little guy has been very fussy and clingy, and has had an upset stomach -- vomiting two or three times a day and looking queasy when we play "active" games. He has also had diarrhea and a "sunburn" red bum.

As long as we hold him and keep him entertained during the day, he's sort of OK ... but the heartbreaking part comes at night when it's time to go to bed. He latches on ... and then flips over and crawls away crying. And he cries like his heart is breaking for at 15 or 20 minutes before we can settle him down for the night. I can only guess that the pain seems more intence when he trying to relax ... I know a toothache can be almost unbearable when we're trying to fall asleep. I guess this is the same.

He also hasn't been as interested in food as usual ... which makes sense,if his mouth hurts. I am amused, though, to notice that lack of apetite hasn't slowed his latest growth spurt at all. In the last few days, getting dressed in the morning has been a process of elimination, whith three outfits discarded as too small before we settle on the day's fashion statement.

And our sweet little baby has been replaced by a small boy with broad shoulders, a round little tummy, and sturdy, fat little legs. Jack can stand unsupported now -- the last step is for him to realize it, which is coming.

"oh dear" to quote the little boy. Can walking be far behind?

Dad is discovering the hard way that the best way to have a content boy is to put him in the sling, and then take him along as you go about your day. Jack likes to play with us and be read to for a little while --amybe an hour at a time, and he can entertain himself for about the same period. But really, what he likes best is to "help" as we do chores or tag along as we do errands.

I think Jack is going to be a very good helper as he gets bigger. He's already a champ at emptying the laundry basket and the dryer! (Usually onto the floor -- but hey, it's a start!)

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