We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004 - (Dad)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Like Father Like Son

Walked into the bank with Jack in the sling today, and he held court with no less than four pretty young ladies as I completed my transaction. These four ladies all left their work stations to come and say hello to Jack. This does not include the half-dozen other staff members who look over at him and smile every time I walk into the bank.

Went to pick up Misti and was greeted by the now familiar parade of Jack fans, many of whom barely know Misti, they just love Jack.

Went into my work to set aside some merchandise for purchase on Monday. Jack held court with the customer service counter... pretty young ladies, of course.

We did some shopping this evening, and I counted 6 pretty young ladies who went to mush over Jack while we were walking around the store.

I need to note, here, that I have seen other children in all of these places at various times, and other children do not get this treatment.

I have always managed to capture the attention of the ladies. This is quite a feat if you know what I look like, (balding, heavy set, rather portly and most often bearded these days) but it isn't about looks for me, it has always been about attitude.

It would seem that Jack has inherited his father's attitude.

Take Care


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