We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

When Dad works too much

Jack's current favorite!

Dr. Seuss's ABC by Theodore Guissel

For the last two weeks, Rod has been working just about every night.

I miss him. Jack, though, is just about beside himself! He refuses to sleep until Dad comes home at midnight. If I need the car during the evening, we drop Dad off at work, and then go about our errands...and Jack asks every time we get into the car whether it's time to go get Dad yet.

When it's finally time to go get Dad,we get into the car and Jack insists on the "all singing all dancing Mamma show" to help him stay awake until Dad gets into the car -- and then once he's been kissed hello, our boy is out like a light until the alarm goes off at 6am.

And, of course, the longer this goes on, the harder it is to wake Jack in the morning -- but we have to get started on time in the morning so that everyone will be on schedule for the day.

Yesterday, though, was a rather chaotic evening. We were in and out of the apartment several times. Each time, Jack asked "Dadda?" (Are we going to go get Dad?). The final time, he didn't ask, he just grumbled, shook his head vehemently, and tried to crawl backward over my shoulder back into the apartment. It was all I could do not to drop him on his cute, pointed little head! I finally got his attention enought to tell him that this time we *were* going to go get Dad ... and then he was the personification of cooperation!

Opinionated? Our Jack? Not a bit!

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