We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Summer Fun

Jack's current favorite!

A Magical Day With Matisse by Julie Merberg

Now that summer has well and truly arrived, it is time to get out and about more.

In the interest of Mamma being able to walk as far and as fast as possible so she can stop wearing her maternity clothes, we have introduced Jack to the idea of the stroller. He wasn't so sure at first -- he far prefers riding in the sling! But for his adventures, he's decided that being down on the level with the ducks and geese and dogs is a pretty good thing.

So, every evening once it cools off we go for a walk around the pond and back again.

...well,that's the theory, anyway. In practice we go whenever it's not raining. Since we live in Southeast Michigan, which is a swamp, it rains a lot. On weekends, if it's nice in the morning, we go then -- and then again in evening if we can. During the week, though, if it's raining in the evening, it just is.

It's a warm rain, and we did try walking in the rain -- once. Jack was extremely patient, until he figured out that we were just walking -- not going somewhere important, just walking the usual circuit. Then he made his disapproval quite clear. (There are few things more hilarious than being told off by a toddler!)

So we haven't tried that again.

Ahh well, even so it is working better than the strength training program I am also trying to do. As soon as I pick up the weights, laughin Jack comes right on over to help! He turns pages for me -- though he turns them randomly forward and backward far faster than I can assume the postures required. He climbs on my knees, giving me extra practice at avoiding small heads as I move the weights from one position to another, and he crawls on my tummy as I do the crunches, helping me to keep my tummy pulled in really tight. He's a very helpful workout trainer, is my Jack! Cute, too. But he's such a task master that I don't try very often!

I hope to post photos of our walk in the next few days ... keep watching! (Or better yet, type your e-mail address into the field to the left and click on the Join button to be notified next time we update the blog!)

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