We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Dining Chez Smif

Jack's current favorite!

Baby Faces by Margaret Miller

Jack has never gone in for commercial baby food. We tried it a few times, and he did a great job of turning it into spray paint for the dining room walls, but I could never get him to open his mouth for more than two bites.

So, for a few months, I made puree for him from the foods we eat, so that Dad could serve them for breakfast and lunch. That worked pretty well, but as Jack got better and better with finger foods, Dad forgot to heat up the puree and favoured the more convenient things.

I eventually threw away the purees that were left in the freezer too long -- when they start looking sad, they probably don't taste good anyway.

In the meanwhile, at dinner time, Jack has always had some of whatever was on my plate. Once he had stopped throwing everything on the floor to announce that he was finished eating -- or at least, once he got better at saying "All done." before he threw everything on the floor -- we started to experiment with putting some food on a plate and handing hima fork so he can learn to feed himself.

He's doing pretty well -- though he still prefers to eat with the fork tightly grasped in his right hand while his left hand does the food shoveling.

Lately, though, once his appetite is somewhat sated, he's started to push the food around on the plate with his fork. And if I give him the fork with food already impaled on it, he'll eat it that way.


The floor, however, still looks like a pig sty after dinner, though.

Oh well. One thing at a time.

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