We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, May. 17, 2005 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Bliss in potty land

Jack has continued to do well in his determination to use the toilet rather than wearing diapers.

He's only had two accidents so far, and this morning , he woke up in a dry diaper and used the toilet right away! I was impressed, and so was Jack -- he kept saying "Like Dad! Like Mamma!" and grinning -- and so, of course, were Dad and Mamma!

Which brings us to the next new 'budgie trick'.

Two morning running, Jack has awakened shortly after I got up for work and refused to be nursed back down.

Ever since the first week after Rod got hs car, Jack has happily slept until 8 or even 10 am, leaving me to get ready for work alone and without his charming distraction.

I had come to cherish my hour or so "alone" every morning. I was sometimes called to nurse jack back down before I left, if he became aware that I was around but not in bed -- if I was making noice, for instance -- but he always fell back into a deep slumber.

Not this week, though.

This week, he has awakened and started trying to convince me to stay home. He clings to me and chirps "No work. No work, Mamma. No car."

I can't guess whether this is a semi-permanent state of affairs or whether the excitement of the new developmental stage is making him more wakeful than usual. He certainly made up for it yesterday with a five hour nap in the afternoon, and then he was tired again within an hour of his usual bedtime.

Ah, well, other than not wanting me to move more than a few feet from him, Jack has spent the last few days being the "nearly perfect child". He played hard at playgroup on Saturday - - we spent many, many hours at COSIToldeo and he had a blast! Later that day, after his nap, he seemd to realize that Saturday had gotten away from us and he'd barely spent any time with me. He instantly renewed his focus on me. He's been like honey ever since. Very sweet, but extremely sticky. On Monday morning, he was clearly hoping to recoup his "lost day" and he doesn't seem to have forgotten that goal. He'll be so tickled in a couple of weeks when I have an extra day off! (We won't tell him he didn't convince me -- it'll be more fun that way!)

Oh, one interesting point. Now that Jack can wear underpants part of the time, he can also wear size 2T clothes part of them time! We have a fewer larger pairs of trousers for diaper time, but if jack is successful, then we won't need to buy all his larger clothes immediately. Major bonus!


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