We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, May. 16, 2005 - (mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

And now he's Two...

As one might expect, Jack has become very fond of the phrase "Happy Birthday". He shows no understanding of what it really means, of course, but he uses it sort of as a cross between "Hello" and "I love you!"

It's been amazingly cute to hear him wishing everyone happy birthday in a prticularly warm, sweet voice.

In other news, Jack decided that this weekend was 'the weekend" to begin toilet training.

He declared "No diaper". We discussed it more and it became clear that he wanted to try wearing underpants and using the toilets. He did a great job for the rest of the day, using the toilet successfully about every 10 minutes -- usually at his initiative and frequently productively! He only had one accident, and that was more a matter of miscommunication than accident.

As a matter of fact, at one point, he asked to get on the toilet, sat there and chatted with me, got up, and turned around and got right back on and pooed and then peed!

We were very, very proud, and did the requisite loud, long parade up and down the hall with out Big Boy!

He tried again this morning, and did well until he got overly involved with his play, and ended up back in his diaper before nap time.

Still, this turn of events has Daddy so excited! It may not be really quick, though it looks like it could be. But the end of diapers is now in sight.

Also this last week, Jack has made it to singing recognizable songs. He likes "Bah Bah Sheep" (we aren't sure where he got that one, though he does have two Mother Goose books that contain it, we don't remember singing it, though), the alphabet song, and "Happy birdday you!"

Yep, this is getting less and less like having a baby more and more like living with a young boy!

I think I'm a lot more ambivalent about that than Rod is. I like raising little boys -- but I love them as babies and that stage goes so fast!

One fun thing -- Jack is now old enough to invent some pretty cool games. This weekend, he showed me a game that resembles "Simon Says", but is definitely a variant.

He sings a few phrases of a song, then I sing that phrase, then he sings another phrase, and together we go through the whole song, before we excitedly say "Ta da!"

Another variant is that he will make a physical gesture -- perhaps standing on one foot. Then i mimic the gesture. The I make a different gesture and he mimics that gesture. Then it's his turn.

Yeah, he a boy all right. Cute, but definitely not a baby.

Have a great week!


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