We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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2006-03-06 - 17:51

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Finally home

We're in -- and we've even made a decent start on the unpacking. We're finally "home".

Considering that we've had two weekends, I might wish we were further along, but it takes time, and we both got sick this weekend. I was down for the count on Saturday, and then Rod was just as ill on Sunday -- and then the weekend was gone. I still feel pretty awful, truth be told. But now I could work, except I'm busy.

Jack is really enjoying the new house! Because we have a completely enclosed yard, he can play outside by himself and he went out to play all by himself on Sunday, though I stayed near a window where I could see him (and had he cared, he could have seen me...)

He threw his big green ball around, pulled his big red wagon to the back fence, sang a song to a tree, and generally explored. It was great fun to watch! (And I did get some unpacking done, even from near the window.) I think this is going to be Jack's favourite part of the new house!

There is, of course, a downside -- even to paradise.

We have bugs.


Box elder beetles aren't dangerous to the house, like termites, or to us. They don't "prey" on human habitations, like cockroaches. But when they infest a house they are VERY hard to get rid of -- and we have hundreds of them all through the house. Enough so that I'm strongly suspect there is one or more female box elders in the yard -- or in the neighborhood. We'll do what we can to evict them, but the tree may have to go. I can't go on forever looking where I put my hand before I turn on the light or having to empty my drinking glass to get a new one because between sips, two bugs fell in. Yuck. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Jack has asked about the old apartment several times -- most recently, when told that we couldn't go back, that we live in our new house now and that someone else will be living in the apartment, Jack responded by sobbing himself to sleep. Oddly, he didn't seem heartbroken; he just seemed to be working off more emotion than he knew any other way to deal with. I held him for twenty minutes while he sobbed, he fell asleep, and he woke up cheerful. It might have been upsetting, except that as I watched him, I clearly remembered the feeling of doing that when I was a child, and while it wasn't fun, it did feel much better when I was finished.

I'm still too sick to make much sense. I'll try again later.


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