We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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2006-02-24 - 17:22

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

We're home Owners!

My dear friends,

Our last weekend to pack has arrived!

Rod is home from Belgium, where he had the best time he's had in years -- and he's still smiling! Thank you, Jos and Vivian, for your extraordinary hospitality!!

My mother is here until tomorrow evening. She and Jack have gotten very close, and we are all enjoying having time together, though the chaos of buying a house and moving wouldn't ordinarily be considered the best time for a visit. We're lucky that Mom is an experienced mover after 20 years as an Army wife, and she's easy going about the chaos and my being so overwhelmed. She's just kept hot food on the table and the dishes and laundry washed and the budgie well-entertained so I could hold it all together.

We closed on the house this morning, and we will have a walk-through tomorrow morning so Mom can see it from the inside, and then we'll take possession either tomorrow evening or Sunday, depending on how the current owner's move goes.

We will be packing like madmen this evening and Saturday, in between trips to the new place and the airport to bring Mom to catch her flight back to warmth and sanity.

Then on Sunday, a host of friends will swarm around to help us with the last minute things, like moving the computers, the lamps, the kitchen, etc. I have to break away mid-day to go to the clothing exchange, but I'm hoping to get that done quickly. Jack does desperately need bigger clothes, but the timing could have been better. Oh well. The exchange schedule was set before we found out when we'd be closing. We'll get by.

Then, on Monday, the movers will be in, and the move will officially get under way.

Jack is very excited about the new house -- but he's also seriously disconcerted by the changes and the chaos. As the boxes have multiplied and the house has ceased to look like home, he gotten more and more highly strung, and when Rod left for a week in the midst of all this, it was just too much to take for a few days. I'm afraid Grandma had to deal with a seriously 'put out' little boy for a few days. Lucky for Jack and I, Grandma has six kids and eleven grandsons. She knows a bit about boys -- so she started by baking cookies with Jack within an hour of getting home from the airport. She was an instant hero! That made the next few days easier. Jack has even sought her out in preference to me many times over the last week and a half -- that was a delight to see! A boy needs his grandmothers!

Now that his Dad is home, Jack is settling down just a bit and I think once his stuff is arranged in his new room and life begins to return to a familiar pattern he's going to enjoy the new house quite a bit! (Especially once we get him that tricycle I promised him!)

Of course, work has been busy with an audit coming up, so I haven't had time to keep y'all posted, but I will be back -- with pictures, I hope!!

Oh, congratulations, Jen!! We got your graduation announcement! How utterly cool!!!



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