We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Such a bad Mamma

I've mentioned here before that I find it so very hard to be responsible about Jack's bedtime. The more tired my little budgie gets, the sweeter and funnier he gets -- and the more he lives up to his moniker "laughin Jack".

I do my best to get him to bed on time, but I ask you...

How easy would you find it

to resist *this* face?

Yeah...that's what I thought.

You couldn't resist keeping him up for just a few more minutes either, could you?

Bad mamma, part II

But there are less charming ways in which I have been a bad Mamma lately, I am sad to say.

This morning, I made my sweet little budgie cry. Twice.

I felt bad ... I hate making Jacky cry.

But for the third morning in a row, while I was in the shower and Dad was snoozing one more round, Jack industriously hurled the clean laundry from the basket onto the floor. All of it. Then he laughed!

Well, OK, a good mamma would have put the clean laundry away four days ago ... but still!

So, I shouted at him.

Once I'd made it up to him for shouting about the laundry, we went to get dressed for the day. I put him on the changing table, opened the drawer to choose an outfit for the day -- and he dived in and started throwing the clean clothes from the drawer to the floor by the double handsful!


It's time we did something about putting an end to the "everything as missile" stage of life.

At eight months that was normal. Maybe even cute the first couple of times. Ten months later, it's neither cute nor particularly educational. Whatever there was to learn, he has learned.

And I hate shouting at Jack and making his face crumple like he's lost his last friend.

Have I mentioned that the toddler years, as cute as they are, are about the toughest for me?

I know some people really think they're fun -- one good friend of mine thinks that these are the most fun years of all!

I can sort of see that -- but the frustration level is pretty high for both Jack and I these days.

Saint Rodney, on the other hand, seems to be gliding through it unflustered, though he has developed dark circles under his eyes...so maybe he's finding it a little challenging, too.

Ah, well, I'm trying really hard not to rush through these years. I know that all too soon, I'll be meeting 'Mrs. Jack' and hearing about the beginning of another litter of grandchildren...

but some days...

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