We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

More great news!

It's been a wonderful week for news!

Just in time for his 18-month "birthday", Jack has become an uncle again! His nephew, Oliver Isaac, was born in Lund, Sweden on Nov 1 at 11:34pm! Oliver joins his 25-month-old sister, Bella, in the family of Jack's oldest brother TJ and his lovely partner, Wanja.

We're all very excited!

No, really. We are. Don't mind Jack. He'll get used to my gushing over other children eventually.

The Flannel Shirt

Jack is getting old and aware enough to have started to be quite a mimic. No surprise, I guess, but it amazes me to see the gradual changes that turn the sweet sodden lump Jack was 18 months ago into the small boy he is today and eventually into the young man he will be all too soon.

I think I missed the significance of them the first time around...they were just cute things that TJ and Corey did. Having seen the pattern before, though, they seem so much more significant today.

The point, of course, is a story about something that happened yesterday.

The weather has turned crisp here, and snow is predicted for the end of the week. In cold weather, Rod's usual clothing is a flannel shirt over a bluey. (A sort of sleeveless t-shirt we call a "wife-beater" in some part of the US...but where a wifebeater is usually white, the Aussie equivalent is dark blue.)

Jack has a few flannel shirts, too, but we usually use those as light jackets to keep the wind off in cool but not cold weather. Yesterday, Rod put a flannel shirt over Jack's clothes when they went out to pick me up from work. When we all came home, Jack refused to allow me to take off his "jacket".

I was perplexed ... until Rod walked into the room and Jack pointed to his Dad and then patted his own arm and said "Dadada!" Assumed translation: "I want to dress like Dad!"

And so, of course, he wore his flannie for the rest of the evening.

Goofy boy! (But I love that he adores his Daddy so!)

Gym problem solved

Last week we had some problems with Jack crying every time I went to the gym. He cried for the entire hour and a little bit I was gone...and I was beginning to wonder whether I'd have to quit.

After a bit of brainstorming, Rod and I (mostly Rod) came up with a solution. Jack is quite accustomed to dropping me at work and going off for a while and then picking me up again.

So, we tried having Rod and Jack drop me at the gym and run out for a few last minute things for dinner, and then pick me up. It worked perfectly. From there, we go home and Jack and I finish up what Rod started for dinner while Dad goes to the gym for an hour -- then we eat!

Whew! I don't need to quit after all!


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