We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

More Achievement!

Jack's current favorite! Are you my Mother? by Phillip D. Eastman

What an amazing week this has been!

First standing, then climbing -- and now walking!

Well, sort of walking.

Jack has a push and ride toy. He can ride on it and make it go backward, but whenever we have converted it for pushing and tried to show him how that works, he's looked at us like we were mad and sat firmly on the floor.

Last night, after we came home from a long walk in the park, and an adventure to research strollers, (our boy is getting to be quite heavy to be carried for a two-hour stroll) Jack was standing next to my chair when he spotted the push toy. He grabbed its handle, and looked at me with a "watch this!" grin -- then he started pushing it across the floor as he walked behind it!

Hurrah, Jack!

Our baby is growing up so fast -- but as aggravating as this stage can be, it's also the most exciting stage, I think!

In the News

What They Really Mean When They Ask, �What Is This?�

New research finds that when young children ask, �What is this?� they often are looking for more than just an identifying label. They want to know the object�s function, say Swathmore College researchers, in their study to be published in the June issue of Psychological Science. These results show that young children may be interested in and capable of recognizing objects not only by their name but by what they do, reports the study.

Researchers separated 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds into two groups and had the children ask questions about unfamiliar objects. One group was given only the name of the object, while the other group was given an object�s function. Those in the group given only a name asked more follow-up questions and rephrased their questions to try and find out more information, while the children in the other group seemed satisfied with the first response when it included a description of the object�s use. (4-13-04)

Keeping toddler's attention may help develop

social competence

What the Research Says About Physical Punishment

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