We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 - (Mamma)

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Why we have to move

Jack's current favorite!

Cassatt for Kids

by Margaret Hyde

Jack has had an understandably profound effect on the way Rod and I live.

We expected that and were prepared for it. Sort of. But 20 years is a lot of time to forget just what "profound change" means when you're referring to the effect of a toddler on a well-organized life.

When I chose my apartment, I was a single, middle-aged grandma and I chose accordingly.

I was concerned that walls not be white (a plague in rental communities in this country). I wanted a second floor balcony, so the cat could go outdoors without risking her neck in traffic. I wanted a fire place.

I wasn't too concerned with a lot of floor space, with doors that close between rooms, or with cabinets that can be secured.

I ended up with a lovely flat.

When we discovered that Jack was on the way, we knew we'd have to make some changes ... and over time, we have made them. But of course, Jack has had other ideas and has proceeded to make more changes.

In addition to the obvious, there are no doors to block off the kitchen, and no way to secure the cabinets in the kitchen -- they will shatter if we try to nail or screw the child safety latches into their pretty, but not sturdy doors.

So, of course, one of Jack's favorite games is to get into the cabinets and empty them. As much as we can, we've made that not too dangerous -- but we have extremely limited cabinet space and if it's not a hazardous chemical, then it's glass or heavy. Or it's boxes of crackers and cereal. (That won't hurt him, but it does make a terrible mess.)

So, we're looking at buying a trailer in Novembr, when the lease is up. They generally have much bigger kitchens, and these days many of them have pantries as well. And there is more space in even the smallest of the ones we've seen than w have in our apartment. And at $1000 a month and $1050 down, they're about the same as we're paying for a small flat.

We will miss the view from the balcony and the goprgeous park-like setting -- but it's worth it. Jack will be safe, and there will be room for him and his toys *and* his parents!

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