We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, Apr. 12, 2004 - (Mamma)

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Books, books, books!

Well, he got off to a slow start, but Mr. Jack has decided that books are very good stuff!

At first, he mainly chewed on them and I was pretty careful to make sure the only books he had were the toddler-safe board books. But gradually he began to take a real inetrest in the books -- first in the magic of page-turning.

He has a couple of books in which the cover art appears elsewhere in the book, and he has become interested in flipping through the book until he finds the page that recreates the cover. Unfortunately, he then tries to "make" that the cover, which hasn't been very good for the spines -- especially of the hard bound and board books.

Recently Jack began to turn the pages and babble as though he was reading the book to us. That has been funny, since he immitates the animated way Dad and Mamma read to him, with lots of inflection and the occasional gasp.

We are developing some favorite stories, too. Being a creature of habit, Jack likes to read some books during the day and there is one special one he seems to love to read several times before he retires for the evening.

Daytime Reading

Amongst Jack's favorite daytime books are:

* What Daddies Do Best by Laura Numeroff

* When Mamma Comes Home Tonight by Eileen Spinelli

* I'm a Baby by Phoebe Dunn

* Dancing with Degas by Julie Merberg

He reads these often throughout the day, along with several books by Gyo Fujikawa.

Nighttime Reading

At least for the moment, Jack's all time favorite bedtime book is Are You My Mother by Phillip Eastman. He has loved the cover right off the current copy. The book is at least 20 years old, and I was relieved to discover that it's still in print! (Not bad for a book that was first published around the time *I* was looking into my first "taste of fine literature".)

So far, though, Jack has shown absolutely no interest in the Sesame Street books...I'm not sure whether "Lovable Furry Old" Grover is just not his style, or whether the books are written at too advanced a level so far. I guess we'll see as time passes.

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