We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004 - (Dad)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Jack and Music#4

I have already outlined Jack�s interest in music in 3 distinct phases.

Well, now he has entered a fourth.

Jack has been quite the conversationalist in the car for a while now. Not to say that his commentary meant anything to anyone but him, nevertheless we will often get a rendition of life according to Jack while driving to and from work.

Anyway, the last two weeks, his commentary has changed dramatically. Instead of chirps and squeaks and syllables, it has become continuous sound with definite differences in tone and pitch, with further experiments in breath and volume�..

Jack is singing.

He sings �Da�Daah� Da�daah� �Ma Maaaa Ma Maaa� and �Abbah Abbah abbah� These being the three words with which he is most familiar. Abbah is an aboriginal word for love and kiss which we decided to encourage as it was his very first phonic expression at about 5 or 6 months. To Jack, it means generic desire. He has attached a different rhythm and melody to each word-song

In the last week he has combined them in one song, with less defined rhythm.

Since I started singing scales back to him, he has worked harder on tone and is less concerned with lyrics.

I can�t believe what I am hearing, but it is there.

Regardless of the choices that Jack makes in his life (He can drive trucks for all I care as long as he is happy), it looks as though music is going to be one of those things that really speaks to him.

Take Care


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