We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, Mar. 01, 2004 - Mamma

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

What an amazing weekend.

It seems like when they start to crawl, the whole world opens up to babies - -even in ways that aren't immediately associated with mobility!

First, Jack seems to, perhaps, have invented humour. He has decided that Dad's beard is a cat. It's hard to ay whether his chuckles are at his own cleverness (a joke) or at Dad's reaction to being called a cat. Either way, it's terribly cute.

Next, Jack has been choosing his own pajamas at bedtime for about month now. In the last few days he has gone from experimenting with head shaking, nodding assent and shaking his head in dissent pretty reliably. This morning, he made a new (though less welcome) stride. I picked out his green overalls for his clothes today and he babbled something while shaking his head. I was surprised, but I asked "You mean you don't want to wear these?" and he gave me the biggest, happiest smile and nodded that that was what he meant! So, I put them away and he wore something else today. Uh oh. Morning may have just gotten more difficult.

Along the same lines, Jack's new mobility has allowed him to "get into mischief" for the first time. Already he has learned the tone of voice that means he's in trouble. His favorite games right now are either pulling all the books off bookshelves -- which would be less distressing if the next step in the game didn't involve creating confetti -- or dumping the cats' food and water all over the kitchen. Last night, he started to understand that he shouldn't be doing those things...though he can't quite muster the self-controol not to do them. How do we know? Even as he does them, he is shaking his head somberly.

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