We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, May. 03, 2004 - (Dad)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

First sentence???

Misti has always liked genteel manners.

The Smiths reading this will already be chuckling behind their hands. Mum did teach we Smiths how to behave, its not her fault that we often chose to ignore her as we grew older.

We nevertheless like to keep it all fairly clean at home, and I mostly do my bit.

So, this morning, Jack was in his high chair and grunting up a storm. Feeling fairly sure that he had a diaper full, Misti marched him off to the changing table while I stumbled around in the pre-cafeinated daze of early morning. Jack was shaking his head, to make it clear that he hadn't pooped. He was right, of course, it was only the wind off it and we had interrupted the first movement of his production.

He resumed his place in the high chair with a fresh dry diaper and more toast. Misti and I went about the regular preparations to get her off to work.

"Did he say what I thought he said?" Misti asked as I finished grinding the coffee.

"huh?" was my witty, pre-cafeinated response.

"I shit" said Jack, as loud and clear as could be.

I looked at Misti, then at Jack.

"I shit" Jack said again, loud and clear, very proud of himself.

Misti glared at me. "Where would he hear that?" She asked, and realized that she had answered her own question as she looked at me again.

By this time I had lost any composure I might have had. I obviously found it amusing and could only look at Misti with that semi sheepish grin one can half manage while chuckling behind one's hand.

In an effort to deflect attention, I moved fairly quickly to Jack to verify the accuracy of his declaration. By the time I got within a foot of him, there was no doubt in my mind that he knew exactly what he had said.

"Yes he did" I said, still chuckling. "He did say what you thought he said, and he wasn't kidding".

"I shit" said Jack again, with a huge grin, because this time Mum and Dad were both laughing out loud.

So I changed him.

Now, just in case you think this was a fluke, we were shopping in Trader Joe's this evening and Jack again announced "I shit". Again, he wasn't kidding.

It would seem that "I shit" will go down in the books as Jack's first sentence.

I think his Mamma had hoped for greater things, and I have no reason to expect that she will be disappointed in the long run, however his father's influence was bound to show its face somewhere. This is just one of its less stellar manifestations.

Such is life.

Take Care


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