We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, May. 03, 2004 - Mamma

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Baby Toes

Jack is a sweet, sensitive child.

Like many (most?) smitten parents, Rod and I spend a fair amount of time nibbling on, kissing, and playing with Jack's perfect, sweet little baby toes. A number of our friends are pretty infatuated with his toes, too, and comment on them and kiss them ...

Last week I visited a close friend in the hospital. She was in great pain, and Jack watched her with great concern.

Other than Dad and Mamma, this friend, Helen, is probably the adult Jack knows best, since she was there to catch him when he was born and has visited at least once every week or two ever since

Because he knows her so well, Helen's pain really concerned Jack. After we had been with her for a half hour or so, Jack wriggled around until he could pull his foot out of the sling and he offered her his foot, saying "Toes!".

Jack, wise boy that he is, knows that baby toes make everyone feel better. Helen played with his feet for several minutes, and then thanked Jack ... who looked very pleased to be able to help.

What a sweet little guy!

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