We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005 - (Mamma)

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'The time has come, the Mamma said, to speak of many things.'

Jack knows lots and lots of words. He uses them with great glee and with great frequency.

But he also uses a far more toddlerish, high pitched budgie squeak that sounds like a garbled "Oh dear" as a standard form of generic request, comment, and complaint. It's not very specific or informative, and it's a tone that, when repeated rapid fire and whiney, as it so often is, can shred a parents nerves in seconds flat.

Rod and I have discussed whether it might not be time to strongly encourage Jack to use the language he knows.

Is it to soon, I wonder, to start strongly encouraging Jack to "use his words"? We wouldn't expect him to use words we haven't hear him use before -- but is it unreasonable at 20 months to ask that he use the words he knows?

We don't want to push too hard -- but since this didn't start to annoy me until really recently, I suspect that it may be so annoying because I sense that he's ready for the encouragement.

He says several new words a day these days and all of them are coming out very clear. When he can ask so clearly for what he wants, I think it annoys me that he does't do it.

Ah, well, we'll give it a try -- but if you have thougts about thsi, I'd love to hear them!


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