We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Dec. 07, 2004 - Mamma

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker


Jack has a new word. It's his favorite way to start the morning and he uses it frequently during the day -- however long the stretch to make it "appropriate".

Jack has discovered that saying "g'day" to his Dad is a sure way to get a belly laugh and a a delighted "G'day, Jack!" in return from his Dad.

It confuses Jack a bit that I am reluctant to say it. I eventually, after much prompting, do...but I know that there is nothing quite as stupid sounding as "g'day" said with an American accent...unless maybe, said with a bad imitation of an Aussie accent. So, I say it in return, and then tell Jack, "but you imitate the way Dad says that -- he gets it right!

Yep, he's a little Aussie all right!

Sleep, redux

Well, again last night, Jack didn't want to fall asleep. And again this morning, I had to wake him up so I could get to work.

(He didn't get a late nap yesterday, so that's not the problem.)

After a half hour of tears, he did eventually fall asleep more or less at bed time, so I was startled when I had to wake him after the rest of the morning's needs (coffee, breakfast, and lunch made, Dad showered etc.) were attended to.

Oh well. It may be that he's going through another deelopmental stage. They do that.

Of course, he also woke up with a fever. How high, we don't know, since the thermometer chose this morning to insist that his temperature was 92.6. Um, no. He's hot to the touch, no dead. So, we'll have to by another one on Friday.

Toddlers are so cute

Rod observed several times in the last few days that there is no cuter sight in the world than the sight of a toddler (especially one's own progeny) scampering around about his "busy-ness".

Jack has finally gotten to the point that he can entertain himself for a half hour or so at a time. That means we can get other things done -- but more importnat, it means we can observe what he's up to without being distracted by interaction.

Yeah, I'm the sort of beotted Mamma who actually spends a lot of time watching my little boy, just for the sheer joy of it. Hey, Rod has no complaints -- it's cheap to entertian me.


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