We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004 - (Mamma)

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Walking the halls

Sorry to have been quiet so long. Jack was indeed sick. He still is, for that matter. On top of that, I had actual work to do at work -- enough of it that I had to concentrate on getting it done so there was no "down time" in which to write. But, we're back now.

On Thursday after I last posted, Jack lay limp and feverish in his Dad's arms all day. When I came home, he lay limp in feversh in my arms until we all went to bed -- the fever eventually broke at about 6am and he seemed to be fine on Friday and for the weekend, except for a tendency to fall over and walk into the furniture a lot.

We helped some friends move on Saturday, so it was a big weekend, made bigger by the fact that Jack discovered gravity ... he fell down the stairs at the new house while my back was turned. Oops. It was quite a fall, but the stairs were carpeted and th landing was covered with padded vinyl, so it could have been a lot worse. He mostly got a frigt, and a small bruise on his temple. (I just wish he'd generalize the experience. He avoided those stairs for the rest of the move -- but he hasn't gotten any more cautious about the [cement] stairs outside our apartment!!)

On Sunday, Jack seemed fine and we were able to stay home and rest.

Then, last night just before dinner, Jack started to go limp on me again. He brought me the sling and asked to be carried while I made dinner. Then, instead of eating, he just wanted to put his head on my shoulder. Poor little guy.

By bedtime he had a mild fever again and he woke up at 3am to tell me that he was too hot (the fever was up again.) From 3:00 to 5:30am he wanted me to walk around with him in my arms, his head on my shoulder. As long as I'd walk, he'd rest and I think he fell asleep. But a soon as I lay down again, he woke up. He didn't cry -- he asked in very polite words for what he wanted. But he really was uncomfortable. At 5:30, he was still awake, but Rod woke up and relieved me of duty so I could nap before work.

Last night's feverish discomfort, combined with the walking into things and falling, over suggests to me that he has a middle ear infection and after a week, I think it's safe to say he isn't getting over this one on his own. We'll take him to the doctor tomorrow. (He was asleep, finally, when I left for work, so instead of waking him, I took the car.)

Tidy home: Happy boy

We have an overnight guest coming from out of town this weekend. We're very excited to see her again and to share our home with her--but between one thing and another, our home *really* needed a good cleaning before she arrived.

So, on Sunday we pulled apart the parlour, cleaned behind everything and put it back together in a more functional configuration and then polished the wood til it glows. It looks much nicer and it feels better too.

Those who study chi and feng shui say that negative (or even just stale) energy can get trapped in the dust and clutter around your home and make it "feel yucky" even when it's been top cleaned and looks ok.

The longer I live, the more I come to believe that's so. Jack's reaction to the "new" parlour suggests that he thinks so too.

We tidied up while he was napping, and it was all done when he woke up.

He toddled into the parlour and just beamed as he looked around! And instead of throwing his toys around randomly, as he's been doing for weeks and weeks, he has gotten much busier with them, sorting and arranging and rearranging. he has even collected them up and put them away! Wow!

Our little musician also enjoys the fact that he can now stand directly in front of the speakers for the CD player. He stands there snapping his fingers a lot when we play music.

I hope this mood holds until Monday because we need to pull his extra toys out of the back room to make room for the guest bed. That being the case, there will be a lot of new "ammunition" for the everything as missile game if he goes back to that.

Musings ...

With Jack so sick lately, I have had the chance to just hold him and cradle him, like I did when he was a baby.

It has reminded me of how big he is getting and of just how fast childhood evaporates!

His warm, sweet little body snuggled into my arms, now reaches my knees with his toes!

And when I gaze at his sleeping face, it's no longer a baby I see, but a sweet little boy. So soon I will be seeing the face of a half-grown child, then the teen years when I am unlikely to be allowed to see his sleeping face at all! Then he will be a man with sweet little babies of his own.

It brings tears to my eyes. Our babies are ours on such a brief loan.


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