We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Friday, May. 06, 2005 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Happy birthday, Jack!

Jack is two, today!

His second birthday has been heralded by so many changes; he has suddenly gotten much, much bigger. Three weeks ago, we finally put away his last 6-9 months shirt, and he officially moved into 2T clothes after the clothing exchange.

On Wednesday, we had to go shopping. The 2T clothes fit for about two weeks, and now Jack is wearing 3T clothes! Ouch.

He has also been pushing the limits with his language and cognition, too.

Last night, just after jack and I went to bed, Rod got home from an evening away with his astrology group. Jack was excietd to see his Dad and bounced up and trotted over to kiss Dad. (He pronounces it "koos".) The he patted Dad's chest and asked to nurse.

Rod looked confused and said "You want to nurse?"


"With Dad???"

Jack said "Ja'ack" in exactly the tone we use with him when he's been silly and somewhat frustrating -- and then bent over double and started to laugh so hard he almost fell over.

Yeah, you've heard that joke before -- it's a favorite, but he's getting a lot more eloquent about it.

The "Ja 'ack" thing is new in the last few days, and he says it often -- usually when he's tryijg to talk us into something -- like chocolate. It's so funny that it works far too ofetn.

It seems Jack adds a new word about every twenty minutes, and his pronunciation is getting clearer and clearer.

He can easily count to 15.

He is getting better and better at 'reading" stories to us. He doesn't actually read yet, of course. But he doesn't parrot the words of the story, either. He uses his own familiar words to tell us the story (including some parts that might startle the author) in a very detailed and linear way.

I have just started to sing the alphabet song to him. It's funny, singing the alphabet song to him seemed odd and forced until about two weeks ago. Then, suddenly, it seemed "right". The same thing has happened with so many things. I wonder if our subconscious isn't far more in tune with what our kids are ready for than our conscious mind is.

The "Happy birthday" calls started at 8pm last night when his next older brother, Joel, called from South Australia to wish the little guy a happy birthday, and they continued this morning, when his oldest brother and his niece called to wish him Happy birthday.

The partying starts tonight -- I hope to post photos Monday, but since the partying runs all weekend, I can't promise to have time to do the pictures during the weekend. ;)


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