We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 - 11:52 P.M.

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Well, its been ages since either of us has blogged.

I usually leave it up to Misti, but her available time has been cut so short it is now not possible for her to keep up, and I have been both busy and somewhat laid up with very painful ankles and not much relief.

Auntie Karen has visited from Australia, and left for home yesterday. Jack worked his little heart out making sure that she was never without company!!

He loves his auntie Karen, and she loves books almost as much as he does. They had a GREAT time together, though I think he eventually wore my sister out. Karen has never had children, and is unlikely to at this stage of her life. Mind you, being the eldest girl in a family of 9 children might have been all the child-raising experience she needed for one lifetime!!

Jack impressed her with his pretty manners and quick wit. Less impressive was his (albeit correct) use of expletives that sometimes punctuate his language. This he gets from spending too much time in his father�s company. Mind you, it was my big sister, Karen, who taught me many expletives and their correct use in the English language!!

We saw Detroit and travelled the �concrete jungle� called I696 that gives rise to the slogan �Detroit, where the weak are killed and eaten�. I696 is a madhouse where, if you�re not travelling 20 miles per hour above the posted speed, you can expect to be rear-ended or run off the road. We saw Ann Arbor, the Univerity of Michigan, some of the grand old houses in Ypsilanti, and the glorious trees, rich in colour, that permeate the landscape here.

I had made a pot of chilli for Karen�s arrival, and we made certain that she tasted such fine American delicacies as barbecue ribs from �Brothers Barbecue� around the corner from our place on Michigan Avenue. Mostly, however, we ate at home, serving a rich variety of spicy meat and vegetarian dishes, a fair representation of the foods we eat, though I did jam more meat into our diet than usual in order to give her a more complete experience of American cooking. I even managed a meatloaf. Karen�s last night was spent with a traditional �Thanksgiving dinner� complete with Turkey and cranberry sauce, squash, potatoes and pumpkin pie. It was a lot of fun.

Weather wise, Karen experienced a �typical� Michigan week, we had Sunny 70�s, Mild 60�s, overcast 50�s, wet 40�s, snowy 30�s, bitter 20�s, all in the space of 10 days.

All up, we thoroughly enjoyed Karen�s visit and hope we can do it again sometime.

Take Care


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