We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2004 - Mamma

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Altitude, Take II

Well ... Jack seems to have decided to "altitude" to a whole new level!

Last night, While Dad was at work, Mamma tackled the parlour.

Generally, we cycle Jack's toys so that he has only a half-dozen or so available at a time. Every few weeks, we put all but the current most favorite toys into storage and bring out a whole new set.

On Sunday, Mamma had made an abortive attempt to make the switch -- but Jack refused to go to sleep until Dad came home from work and refused to allow *any* toys to be put away. He didn't cry, he just industriously pulled them out of the bin as fast as I could put them in. Eventually I gave up.

That means that Sunday evening and all day Monday, the parlour was a disaster (see a future entry about why we're moving). On Monday evening, Jack was in a much, much better mood, so I was able to sort through the toys, put away the ones that have been on diplay for a while, put out "fresh toys", and put the others into storage.

While I was working on that, Jack entertained himself -- with much giggling and chortling.

At one point, I turned around to find him sitting *on* the side table between the chairs! Our tool-using little "monkey boy" has learned to use the foot stool to crawl onto a chair,and from there onto the table!

It was very exciting!

Of course, Mamma being a worry wart, insisted that we also learn to get down -- backwards rather than leading our cute little nose!

But every time he successfully got down safely, he turned right around and scrambled back up onto the chair -- at one point he even had both feet off the chair's seat and was hanging by his hands from the back of the chair!

Methinks life has just gotten quite a bit more exciting at the Smith house.

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