We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

The boy who resists change

I was way behind on laundry last night.

This wouldn't seem to be relevant to a blog called "As Jack Grows," about the life and times of an extraordinary toddler, would it?

Ahh, but it is. You just have to know Jack.

I was way behind on laundry last night, you see. So when I reached into the drawer for a clean night gown, I came up with one I hadn't worn for a very long time. So long it smelled funny. Not bad funny -- but whether it was a detergent I no longer use or a cheap perfume I tried once, it didn't smell like "me".

It wasn't offensive, so I put it on, and then went to nurse Jack down for the night.

He nursed contentedly enough ... but then instead of falling alseep, he sat up and looked at me with the expressionless but piercing stare he is known for.

Thinking he wanted the other side, I rolled over with him and he nursed on the other side...but again, instead of dropping off to sleep as he always does, he sat up and gave me that stare again.

Now, he looked sleepy, and he looked confused -- but he wasn't asleep. I'm spoiled! Jack always goes to sleep within a few minutes at bed time.

But we went on like this for hours, with Jack pregressively more sleepy, progressively more confused--but awake!

Around 2 am, Rod got up with him so I could try to get some sleep.

I lay there dozing, but I heard Jack crying...and then it hit me. I could smell my nightgown, even after all these hours.

I wonder ...

So, I got up and changed my nightgown - -and put on some lavendar oil to cover any remaining scent I may have picked up. We use a lot of lavender oil -- in baths and in bum cleaning water, etc, so I knew that was safe.

I came out to the office to find a very grumpy Rod holding a crying, heartbroken and exhausted Jack. I took Jack in my arms, and he immediately snuggled into my arms the way he does when I've been away at work all day -- and i knew I had guessed right.

I went back to bed and settled him down to nurse, and the poor baby was asleep almost before hit head hit the mattress!

Poor Jack couldn't fall asleep, because I didn't smell like Mamma!

Oh my...

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