We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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2004-01-29 - 5:24 p.m.

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

This is the blog (short for web log -- an electronic diary) of Isaac Timien John Smith, known as "Jack.

Well, sort of anyway.

This is actually the blog where Mamma and Daddy (known amongst the taller folk as Misti and Rod Smith) will keep track of Jack's adventures so that Jack's "fan club" (Hi, Mormor! Hi, Grandma!) can stay in touch.

Jack is about to turn nine months old, and while Dad and Mamma have found him captivating since he was peanut on a sonar machine, he is now doing things that other people might find interesting! For the record, Jack was born on May 6, 2003. At the time, he weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches tall. He is now a whopper at 17 pounds and 2 feet and 2 inches tall. He is, of course, unbelievably gorgeous -- and we have that on excellent authority. Everyone says so! (Objective? Us?)

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