We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Wednesday, Dec. 01, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Winks and Giggles

Wow...it's Wednesday already!

I can't honestly say I've been "busy" this week. I've just been coming down with a cold, and adjusting to the idea that I now have to take diabetes medication. (I controlled my diabetes with food balancing and exercise for almost a decade. I knew better, but I had come to hope that it would always be controllable that way.)

But anyway, this is Jack's blog, not mine...

Jack has a new trick. He winks!

I didn't say he winks *well* -- but he has taken to "winking" pretty frequently, and he keeps right on trying as long as we will wink back at him.

As you can see, the whole thing cracks him up! He thinks it's hilarious!

New toys

Last Thursday, we had dinner with our friends the Curry's. Shelley, being an excellent grandma, has a box of wonderful toys for her grandbabies (Rae and Ben) and she graciously allowed Jack to play with them, too.

Jack found and fell in love with the peg puzzles.

So, on Monday, I posted to freecycle that I'd like to find one or two -- and a couple of lovely people shared their wealth -- Jack now has four new peg puzzles!

So far, he tries for a little while to get the pieces to fit, and then he takes all the lovely handpainted animal pictures and places them around the room in carefully selected spots, checking to make sure he can see them all -- or maybe that they can see him (hard to tell with Jack.)

(He's taken to doing a lot of interior decorating since we spent the long weekend rearranging the apartment. His angel tears are also placed artfully and carefully throughout the apartment in locations selected for their need of sparkle.)

We'll have to work more on the technique of puzzle-piece fitting, but I'm glad he likes the puzzles!

metablogging Just a reminder that you can always see the latest photos of Jack by clicking on the "framed" photo of him to the left of the main column. We have started removing photos as they age so that it doesn't take so long to look at them and you won't be overwhelmed with hundreds of photos.


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