We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2004 - (Mamma)

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Uh oh ... he's done it now!

Just got a call from Rod.

I suppose it was inevitable. Rod's computer was worth $50 a couple of years ago, and Jack has been hammering randomly on the keyboard pretty persistently.

But now, it seems, Jack has completely fried Dad's computer.

Oops. All that data lost!

I don't think I've ever heard Rod sound so defeated.

I know the feeling. When he was here the first time, back in 2001, we were reformatting my hard drive and discovered that the extra drive I had was a *virtual* drive. Fifteen years of data, gone.

I don't think Jack was helping much. As we talked, he was singing loudly in the background.

Poor Rod.

I did ask him, though, to put 'preventing this from happening again' higher on the "to do" list than fixing his computer.

Mac computers can be turned on from the keyboard. That meant that if Jack could reach the keyboard, he could boot it up and wreck havoc -- and he did it often. When I was in charge, I put the keyboard out of reach, but Rod seldom though to do that.

If we just replace the hard drive, I'm afraid this will happen again and again -- because Jack has figured out how to access some programmers' areas that even Rod doesn't know how to get to, and he was opening up boxes that let him make changes to the software code that runs the computer.

That means this could rapidly get very, very expensive.

End of an era

On the bright side, Jack has finally stopped throwing his food on the floor. Now he moves all the food left on his plate into *my* plate!

Between my time at the gym and my new "Jacky diet" I'm likely to lose several dress sizes before next summer...pre-chewed toddler offerings may be a sweet thought, but that's as far as they go. I usually can't bring myself to hunt for my food to finish eating at that point. Oh well. At least the carpet is safe now.

In Other News

It's been kind of hard to write this week. Jack has gone into a sweet but sleepy phase and sleeping babies aren't doing much (other than trashing Dad's hard drive, anyway.)

Jack was so hungry for weeks that we knew he was on his way into a growth spurt -- but the hungry spell broke, and then returned. He did indeed plump up, and now his hunger continues, but he's also gotten very, very sleepy.

This all makes sense as a growth spurt, but it usually takes a week from beginning to end. This growth spurt started almost two weeks ago...it's either the longest he's ever had, or it's shaping up to be a humdinger. (He is taller, already, and most of his clothes are getting short -- but where is this going to end?

Another nice landmark ... Jack's hair has finally gotten long and heavy enough to more or less stay out of his face once I comb it.

I was about to give in and cut it, but I have a 'Sampson thing' and I really didn't want to ... I hate cutting baby's hair. Rod wears his hair in a ponytail and that's what we had planned for Jack...now that's finally long enough to stay out of his face and stop tickling his nose, the plan is back in place.

When he's awake, Jack spends his effort reading books, walking, walking, walking, and refining his language skills. I had mentioned a while back that he went from having a rather extensive, but hard to understand, vocabulary to not using words at all.

That lasted for about three weeks. Now he uses fewer words regularly, but they are much, much clearer and he uses them far more consistently.

I hope Jack has a wonderful new adventure tonight so I'll have something interesting to post about.


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