We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, May. 30, 2005 - (Mamma)

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Two, wonderful two!

It's the end of a long weekend, after a week of not posting. I figure you're wondering where we've gotten to about now, so I'm staying up late to post. (I'm not sure I'll have time tomorrow.)

Work has been busy, so I haven't had a chance to really think about what to write. That's part of the problem.

The rest of the problem is that Jack has had a really serious and long-standing "case of two".

Actually, I don't know that it's "two" so much, but Jack has decided to give up his nap and that has meant that by the time I get home from work, he's exhausted and cranky, so I havent seen a lot of his "fun" side in a couple of weeks. Either he was cranky beyond words, or he had just fallen asleep when I got home, only to wake up from his "nap" at 9pm, when I have to go to sleep if I'm to function at work next day.

This weekend, I saw a lot more of his fun side, and that's been delightful -- and I've also seen plenty of what happens when he skips his nap! Yow!

Fortunately, he's also had more naps over the last few days, because with me here to nurse him down, he finds it a lot harder not to succumb to sleep once he gets tired and cranky. (Hurrah for tryptophan!)

(Rod tells me that I should mention that tryptophan is a sleep-inducing amino acid, found in milk, turkey, and probably other foods lest you wonder what I am slipping him to make him sleep.)

I'll try to post more this week -- I have essays on homeschooling and "natural play" cooking, if I can just find the time...

Meanwhile, I have a few messages from Jack to his friends.

John MM Jack has been saying "Hihi, John" and "Miss John. John come home" for two weeks now. We really have to get together! Valerie, he has also been asking to play with Kendra -- he was devastated to sleep through playgroup this week.

Just so you know...


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