We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Thursday, Dec. 09, 2004 - (Mamma)

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New rules

Jack makes up "new rules" these days.

All kids do, of course. In the bginning, it's new rules that Mamma and Dad get to guess at and that change almost moment to moment. (Today's rule is that I will sleep for 30 minutes between feeds. Tomorrow's rule is that I will sleep 4 hours between feeds, but I will feed for an hour and a half at a time.)

Later, the rules get more consistent. (I like to go down for my naps after having a snack at 10 am and then again at 1pm. I will sleep for two hour each time, unless, of course, you are foolish enough to plan to get something done on that schedule.)

These days, Jack's rules are both more extensive, and somewhat more whimsical.

For instance, although two days ago, it was funny when Mamma and Dad cuddled, now Mamma is not allowed to cuddle Dad. If she tries, she will be shoved away, and Jack will kiss Dad repeatedly until he laughs.

More explicable, no one is allowed to pick Jack up when it's time to leave the apartment. The correct procedure is to open the door and say "Let's go!". Jack will then strut self-importantly out the door and start down the stairs, whether a parent has beaten him to the stairs to lend a hand or not. (I'm pretty sure Jack is convinced that he is helping me down the stairs and not vice-versa.)

Only the Japanese have good words for colours. All colours must be named in Japanese.

The French, on the other hand, are Jack's idea of Mathematicians and he prefers that numbers be counted in French.

All books must be read twice, once by Mamma and then by Dad. We have different voices for the characters and different emphasis, you see.

Our budgie is a stitch!

Time to slow down ...?

A friend mentioned that it might be time to admit that the life of an 18-month old just isn't interesting enough to warrant daily posts.

He's probably right...I'm thnking about it, MT.

Note from Dad: (Only a Virgo rising child would make a game out of tidying Dad's office)


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