We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, Dec. 05, 2005 - Dad

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Oh my, but hasn't it been busy since we got back from Oz.

Today's milestone was a trip to "Jungle Java" (Indoor play structure where kids run wild and have a ball) in which Jack ran the entire structure, all four levels, complete with mazes and big kids stuff, all on his own.

Until today, I had felt the need to hover close by as he made his first tentative steps to the higher levels of the structure. I can make it up most parts of the structure, and have on occasions, but it isn't a lot of fun for a guy my size.

Today, however, he was just cruising along, investigating all of the things he had seen for a long time but had never made it to.

When I first went to Jungle Java, I expected Jack would be three or four before he had the confidence for that, however he has proven over and again that he will be reserved about things until he has a full grasp of them, but once he has that grasp, he's off.

Of course, with that enjoyment came the "play 'til you drop" mindset, which resulted in hysterics when it came time to leave. (He was too tired to climb, but he didn't want to go). We had loud wails of protest as we put on boots, jacket, and coat. Loud wails of protest again until he went to sleep on the way home... exhausted.

During the wails in the car, I tried to distract him by talking about the fun he had had. He wanted to agree with me, but he wanted to protest more. He eventually came back with "I don't want to talk about anything else, thank you". Like-father-like-son I suppose, he always uses pretty manners when he's angry. (and thankfully, on many other occasions as well).

In dealing with the wailing and protesting, I have decided to take a simple resilient stance. He can wail all he likes, it isn't going to change a thing. Physical attempts to scuttle my plans are met with solid, stern resistance. This too shall pass as he struggles with the power of his own will, and the frustration he encounters when will alone is insufficient to the task.

Jack has been coming out with clear sentences showing that he not only understands the conversation around him, but is willing to venture his own interpretation of thoughts and events.

It is very cool, and some of his interpretations are stunning (and some are just amusing) in their simplicity and logic, but it seems our toddler has been replaced by a charming little pre-schooler.

There is lots more to say and a million pictures to share, but out wee pre-schooler is taking the lions share of everyone's time at the moment.

Have Fun


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