We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, Nov. 01, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

A Million Updates

It's Monday morning and I really don't have anyhting fresh and original to say, so I'll revisit the topics I've commented on lately and bring you up to date. Maybe by tomorrow Jack will be on a new adventure, or I will have processed the weekend and will have something to say.


Was I ever worried about keeping shoes on Jack?

Yeah, I know I was, but I really needn't have been. Since Jack got his shoes, the first thing he says in the morning, as I put him on the change table to put a fresh diaper on him and dress him for the day is "Shoes!" He wants to hold them while I change him, and then reminds me every few minutes that we mustn't forget to put on his shoes.

That is obviously a trait he inherited from my mother -- he certainly didn't get it from me! Given my preference, I rarely wear shoes.

But at least I know his feet will say warm this winter. That's the main thing.

The Rapid Assault Virus

Well, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, I was afraid Jack was coming down with something again.

He did, but it was so brief that it really didn't leave much of an impression. He was feverish and fussy and a bit rashy for a day, and that's it. The fever broke, and he was fine except for waking up irritable from a nap yesterday. But once he was fully awake, he was fine. I could learn to live with this sort of illness!


I commented a few days ago about worrying about Jack's odd gait. Agaim as soon as I mentioned it here, it changed. ( I can't help but wonder whether he's reading this...)

So now he has a much more standard gait and doesn't lift his knees nearly as far.


Jack *still* wants to know the name of everything, though only rarely is he trying to imitate us. I guess he's storing it all up for later.

Lately body parts are the big ticket. Even parts of the face, including some whose names *I* don't know .. what is that part of my face below my chin where my neck would be if I had one? We refer to them as "double chins", but that's confusing. It's not a chin...

Oh well, I guess "I don't know" works.

More tomorrow...


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