We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 - (Mamma)

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Dad's Son!

Is this a perfect little Smith boy or what?

I am so amused by how Jack is an almost perfect replica of his Dad! Well, he does definitely have my eyes, but other than that ...


I just finished making reservations for our summer plans. That's when it dawned on me.

Having not camped in four yaers, Rod and I are going camping twice in a month.

With a two-year old.

First off, we haven't been camping in four years. Last time we went, our tent was confiscated at the airport. (Scary metal spikes, you know. We were trying to check it, but...no.) So it seemed prudent to have a 'dry run" near home.

So, we decided to sue the fourth of July weekend to practice an overnight. And where better than Flint, MI, which is not at all far from one of our favorite outlet malls. We can break camp and go buy Dad some new clothes, since most of his are pretty careworn at this point.

Then a couple of weeks later, we'll be camping in the beautiful Adirondack Park to attend the delaney Family Reunion!

When I called to make the reservations, I was struck by how beautiful the accent from that region sounds to me. I have no idea how to describe it -- but it's petty distinctive and to me it is the sound of my childhood.

We're busy writing up the list of things we'll need and wondering what we'll need for our little guy other than clothes, diapers, hat, sun screen, and bug oil. Usually when we bring toys, they are ignored in favor of people of artifacts found on the spot... but then, this is the reason for the "dry run". If it's too bad, we can go home immediately.

Then, not long after he's recovered from camping, he'll be headed out to meet Mormor.

Oops, but I just recieved word that jack isn't well. Not clear yet what the problem is, but ratyher than playing or napping -- both quite normal behaviors for this time of day -- Jack is lying quietly in Dad's arms.

I'm headed home to him.

More tomorrow, perhaps. (Work has lightened up some for the moment.)


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