We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Monday, May. 09, 2005 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Jack's Birthday Weekend

Wow! What a weekend!

As I mentioned on Friday, the partying started Frioday evening when Jack entertained his adult (and older child) friends.

That went beautifully. Most of Jack's favorite grown up people were able to be there to celebrate his birthday with him and we all ate cake and chatted for hours. (The last guests left around 12:30 am)

Jack was quite a trooper! He had a wonderful time playing with his older child friends, Adrick and Karina and he was so involved in their play and in learnign new games that he paid no attaention at all to his adults for hours!

He even managed to hang in there and say goodnight to the last guests to leave, and then he dropped into bed, a sodden lump of exhausted boy.

He woke up late on saturday morning; it was almost 10 am! He was cheerful and and busy, but he was in no mood to head off to playgroup, so we skipped that. (It's just as well that I reluctantly decided against bringing cupcakes to playgroup on saturday morning, but Jack is often not in the mood to go out early on Saturday.)

Anyway, we spent the morning tidying the hosue and late Saturday morning, Jack and I went out to pick up a few things at the grocery store in preparation for the late afternoon's adventure. Then we headed out for our old friends, the Nadeaus, for a Beltane celebration. We arrived late, but we stayed late, too, and we had a marvelous time!

Jack was mesmerized by the May pole dance!

Later his "uncle" Steve taught him to "drive" a truck! What a coup for a little guy for whom trucks are the most amazing of all creations.

On Sunday, Jack and i went to a new play group, where didn't know many people yet. I think we're going to persevere because while the feeling wasn't as warm and close as the saturday morning group, which has been meeting pretty much all of Jack's life, the timing works out a *lot* betetr for Jack. Of course, i hope he'll also get more cooperative about Saturday mornings, too.

Later that afternoon, Jack's younger friends (and a few older siblings) came for another party! The flat was still a disaster because we'd been running all weekend rather than cleaning as we usually do, so I made an 'executive decision' that we would have a picnic party like I remember from when I was a kid!

While the kids and most of the parents were off feeding the water fowl with stale bread and popcorn, another Mom and I spread blankets in the grass and laid food out.

It was fun, and extremely casual. The adults chatted while the kids played with trucks and balls and just ran in the grass. Again, jack was too busy to pay any attention to his adulkts for hours!

And, of course, grazed on fruit, vegetables, cheese, hummous, and birthday cake.

I hope everyone had as good a time as we did! I know Jack was beside himself with happiness.

After everyone had left, jack and I took a quick bath (he was awfully cute, all covered in dirt -- but I didn't think it would be as 'cute" on the sheets next morning.) and then we went to bed.

He snuggled in especially close as we nursed and closed his eyes immediately. Several minutes later, when I thought he was already asleep, he opened his eyes, smiled at me, and said, in such a sweet dreamy voice "Happy birdday, mamma." Then he went back to nursing, and was gone.

Yep, our boy had a good birthday!

And now he's two!


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