We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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2005-12-16 - 11:44

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

I found this on my thumb drive - I wrote it and never posted it! Oops.

Happy Samhain Everyone!

As usual, this time of year has been very, very busy -- but we've had a lot of fun celebrating the new year with all our favorite people at celebrations all over the state! It's been marvelous. The season wraps up tonight with the smallfamily celebration, and then comes a short period of quiet as we look inward and prepare ourselves for the long winter.

It's been especially fun since Jack is getting older and more able to actively participate. He even brings in "special" and"booful" leaves to decorate the apartment and helps with the cooking, cleaning, and food preserving that are so much a partof this season.

Oh, my goodness!

Is this a record?

This must be a record! Six weeks between postings. Sorry folks.

Everything has been going well, actually -- but computing time has come to be almost non-existent for me. I'm seeing signs that that may be changing again, though, as things calm a little at work (for a while) and as Jack adjusts to being home and lets me entertain myself for minutes at a time.


Needless to say, when Rod and Jack got home, Jack took some time to readjust to being here. I stayed home for the first week the boys were home, and that turned out to have been an even better idea than I had expected. Rod was completely exhausted from the time change and the long trip. Jack wasn't so tired -- but he was seriously emotionally off center. It took him more than that week, to forgive me for disappearing from his life! The first week, he alternated between clinging and holding me at arm's length. He wanted to be close, but as anyone who's ever been apart from a loved one for an extended period knows, there is an strangeness to the first little while of being back together. Jack wasn't sure what to make of that, and he didn't like it at all! And, of course, he was quite sure it was my fault.

Poor little guy.

He slowly warmed up, though, and by the second week, he was clinging like a barnacle. If I was home, he was either in my arms or holding my hand. Although he didn't seem upset when I went to work, he did make it a point to get up as soon as I did to see if he could talk me out of going to work. When that didn't work even once over the first week I was back at work, he gave it up.

In the weeks since then, Jack has been more attentive than before he left, but he has gradually relaxed. As I said earlier, there are even minutes at a time these days when I'm allowed to entertain myself!

One souvenir that Jack brought home was a decided Aussie accent! He even out does his Dad! It's very, very cute!

Chef Jack

Since he's been home, Jack has taken a serious interest in cooking. He loves to make waffles, pancakes, and cookies! Pudding wasn't such a success, though. He wanted to stir it the entire time it was cooking, but is was just to hot to let him stir it for the entire 30 minutes it took to reduce!

These days he helps me to make dinner most weekend evenings.

We have a home movie of one of his recent batches of cookies in production. We're trying to figure out how to make that available online and we'll let you know as soon as we have figured it out.


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