We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2004 - Dad

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

From Banshee to Budgie

Hi All,

Yeah, it has been a while but I�ve been very busy.

I noted in an earlier post �Jack and the Banshee� that, as his communication skills improved, so Jack�s need to screech should subside.

My eardrums are pleased to announce that he has indeed made the transition.

These days he manages to convey most of his needs through his 20-or-so word vocabulary, and has mastered a variety of intonations and pitches that convey the feeling behind his words.

Where once he would screech loudly enough to rattle the windows and scare the bejeezus out of anyone within 30 feet (not to mention rupture dad�s eardrums), now he is far more dignified, if not a little theatrical in his emphasis.

When he is really torqued off, (like when he has a dirty nappy in the car and we have not changed him quickly enough) he will still screech, though more at the pitch of a budgerigar (called a parakeet in the US) or at worst a cockatoo (large, noisy parrot).

So Jack has traded his Banshee for a 20 pound Budgie�. As in �polly wanna cracker�. NOW!!!!�

The Banshee is still available for Jack when he feels he is in real trouble, as our would-be babysitter found out (yep, there is another blog in that story), but mostly he is far easier on the ears than he used to be.

Take Care


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