We're very lucky.
Jack is the sort of child
we all assume we'll have
when we decide to have children,
and the sort of child
less experienced parents
congratulate themselves for.

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Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 - (Mamma)

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

First hair cut

Oh dear.

It was bound to happen, right? If you feed them not only do they grow -- but eventually, so does their hair.

I had hoped to put it off a lot longer -- maybe until he was five years old. But over the last several weeks, Jack's hair had gotten way too long. It was always in his eyes, and as cute as that looked, it was annoying him.

I tried wetting it down and combing it back -- but that only worked until his fairy floss hair dried. Then it was back in his face.

I tried using hair mousse -- that stiff, sticky stuff the young folks use to get those unlikely heights to their "doos". Nope. It worked for a little while, but too soon it was stiff *and* back in his eyes.

Oh dear.

So, last night as I watched Jack rub his eyes again even though I was sure he wasn't tired, I relented and decided to cut my little boy's hair.

It was easy -- I just grabbed a comb and a pair of scissors, stood him in front of me, and combed his hair straight up, then snipped off about 1/2 inch.

Sounds quick and easy, and it was.

But I also, in that moment, made yet another change to our tiny boy that took him another step away from "baby".

He looks so different now -- the even line of fringe over his brows somehow says "no longer a baby".

Jack is fine -- even better than before, because his eyes don't itch. Dad is proud of his hearty lad. Mamma, on the other hand, has the "my baby is growing so fast" blues.

Oh dear. Next thing I know, he'll be asking to borrow the car keys.

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